Concrete Results
Helped Businesses In COVID-19 Recovery
Created of a local market experience called "Simply Niagara" at the Outlet Collection of Niagara from July 2021 to October 2021.. This market helped 16 local businesses in their recovery from the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns, including the Exchange Brewery, Cheese Secrets and Oast House Brewery.
Protected Farmland & Residential
Took a tough stand to create a Bylaw to protect residents, tender fruit, and grape farmland from potential demise from the encroachment of cannabis operations.
Proposed the Town Ambassadors Program
Proposed the Town Ambassador Program to educate visitors about COVID-19 protocols— rather than using taxpayer money to hire new bylaw officers. The program has now expanded into a key asset for visitor information and business support..
Together with the CAO, initiated a Town Economic Impact Study. The study will provide qualitative and quantitative data that we can use to improve our success rate for funding projects when presenting to the Provincial Government. It will also provide critical data on growth projections to guide longterm planning for housing, education, infrastructure, cultural and recreational facilities..
The Town's Economic
Impact Study
Collaborated with Residents, the Village Community Association, and Staff
Initiated the installation of a 4 way stop at Garrison Village Rd and Perez, in order to proactively improve safety before the new medical centre and Life Labs open..
Worked with Fellow Councillors to Deliver The Official Plan
The Official Plan was delivered as promised, by getting to know the issues and collaborating with colleagues to complete it on time..
Served on the CAO selection committee to obtain a qualified Chief Administrative Officer for our Town
Played a key role in the selection committee to obtain a qualified Chief Administrative Officer for our Town..
Collaborated with Chautauqua
Worked with the residents of Chautauqua to identify community key challenges and create solutions to safety issues..
Co-Chaired the Strategic Planning Committee
Co-chaired the Strategic Planning Committee, and took a leadership role to ensure that Customer Service, the preservation of our Town's heritage, and a Tourism Strategy were top priorities..